Student Ministry
God has blessed our Student Ministry here at East Heights. This program is for 7th-12th graders. We try to do things that are fun, relevant, and exciting while teaching Bible truths. To accomplish this we offer a number of chances to get involved.

We meet for Sunday School at 9:00a.m. on Sundays, and then attend worship at 10:00a.m. We have just recently resumed meeting on Sunday nights. On Wednesday evenings we meet from 6 to 7p.m. We usually have a time of praise led by our youth or college students. We have a time of prayer and a time of interactive teaching. During this time we allow some of the students who feel led to lead us to take over and teach the session for the evening which is a lot of fun.

We always take a summer trip, (usually Fuge), where we go and learn, serve, etc. In the past serveral years, we have been to Glorieta, New Mexico, Ridgecrest, North Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, Mobile, Alabama, St. Louis, MO, and so on. We have been blessed with a close group and that has made our trips a blast. We also participate in MS Super Summer every year. Super Summer is a camp for leaders in youth groups around the state. Requirements have to be met to attend and it is only open to those who have completed 8th grade. Annually we always participate in Disciple Now weekend. We bring in leaders and stay in homes. Bible Studies are led in the homes and we have group worship with those in the whole county. We also have a Fall Retreat where we go and stay at an encampment for 2 days and learn, study, play, etc. This is one of our most popular events of the year.
There is always something going on. Short trips, concerts, cookouts, swimming, etc. Several of our teens participate in our church-wide mission trips.
If you used a verse of scripture to describe what we are trying to do, it would be found in 2 Timothy 2:2, “Teach these great truths to trustworthy men, who will in turn teach them to others.”
As a result, we have teens who are accepting Christ, committing to a life of ministry, and reaching and bringing their friends to Christ and to Church. You’re invited to come be a part of that…so….COME ON AND JOIN US!!
Upcoming Events: JULY 8 – 12


Contact Us
Please comment or ask any questions that you might have, and we will do our best to contact you in a timely manner. You can also call (662)842-4947 for a quicker response.